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A half-race is an individual born of parents belonging to two different races. Only members of the Prefellian races can produce hybrid children and any permutation thereof is possible.


All half-races are infertile. This common knowledge often leads to a number of prejudices against their kind including but not limited to child abandonment, hiring discrimination, local banishment, and in some extreme cases infanticide. Due to systemic barriers and the inability to have children of their own, half-races show a high propensity to turn towards independent vocations such as peddling and adventuring. Many of Arthos' most famous and infamous adventurers were of mixed parentage.

Social Standings

The rights, roles, and attitudes toward half-races can vary drastically depending on the culture they are born into. While some communities may stray from the norm, certain patterns can be drawn.

Half-Humans in Human Society

Humans tend to have the most liberal and egalitarian attitude towards half-races of all kinds with the caveat that they are able-bodied and contribute economically. This is because majority human settlements already tend towards diversity of race and unrestricted commerce. However, the wealthier of a family half-humans are born into, the more likely they are to face abandonment since upper-class families are especially concerned with lineage and primogeniture.

Half-Elves in Elf Society

Hybrids living in elf society, especially in the deeper regions of Nakiro, have the hardest time of their half-race brethren. Elf society is suffocatingly traditionalist and abandonment of half-elf children is rampant. A consequence of this status quo is the creation of free cities, settlements sprung from the underdeveloped parts of Nakiro, far away from the threat of elvish hegemony. They are run by found-families of half-elves and various non-elves and accept anyone shunned by society. Nakiro regularly goes to war with free cities under the pretense that they are unlawful invaders.

Half-Dwarves in Dwarf Society

Dwarves tend to think of half-dwarves, or "alloy kin", as sad and burdensome. While abandonment is rare, a half-dwarf is treated as a mark of shame because of their inability to fit (sometimes literally) into dwarf society. Dwarf families will usually hide away illegitimate half-dwarves for fear of ostracization until they expire or leave on their own volition. Little is expected of the alloy kin who choose to stay.

Half-Orcs in Orc Society

Half-orcs born in orcish tribes tend to be treated as curiosities and laughingstocks as they are disadvantaged in terms of raw strength. This relegates them to "low work" such as cleaning, cooking, and animal husbandry and leaves them vulnerable to cruel and violent treatment. The main exception to this rule are half-dwarf orcs who are able match their full-blooded brethren for strength and can even land low-ranking warrior roles. Despite this, strong half-orcs are still barred from any kind of leadership role.

Racial Bonuses