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Ahloball is a sports game created in 372 by King Ahlomar of Reovere (Also known as The Gamemaster King) who had the longest lasting rule in Reovere (120 years) to date. He was revered for bringing the golden age of entertainment in Reovere and exporting that entertainment across the world. One of his creations was the game Ahloball.


The rules of Ahloball have been slightly adjusted over several generations, but the main principles of the game and the court have remained almost exactly the same as the original version. The game is best out of 3 sets, each set is 5 rounds. There is a five minute break in between each set for teams to discuss with each other.


An Ahloball team consists of 5 players and one coach. One player is designated goalie, and the rest can position themselves anywhere between the goalie zone and the midfield. Many coaches will spend a lot of time working on strategies based on these starting positions, as well as planning out where the players will be as the game progresses. The teams typically have varying strength and weaknesses, making their fortuitous and strongest player as the goalie to stop the ball outright. The fastest and most agile players would play striking positions and try to out maneuver the goalie.

Starting the Game

The game starts with the participants walking along the poles to their decided positions. The referee will announce for the anthem of the host country to be played. After the anthem, the ball, which is an expensive magical ball that communicates to runes within the court, levitates in the center of the court until the ball is touched. If the ball falls out of court after being touched, it's a foul ball to the person who touched it last, and the opposite team receives the ball.

The Game in Play

When the ball is in play, the player with the ball is responsible for what happens next. If they fall off with the ball in hand, the ball goes to the opposite team's goalie. If they throw the ball at someone (on either team) and the ball is not caught, the opposite team

Official Courts & Runes

The ball's magic and runes have a footprint that works as a password to the specific court's ward.


Motifs and Symbology